Take Your Fishing Trip to the Next Level

Depend on us for kokanee fishing trips in or around Whiskeytown Lake, Anderson & Red Bluff, CA

As fun as your fishing trips are, they can be even better. Let Jacob Frye's Guide Service show you how. We offer kokanee fishing trips from June to September in Redding, Anderson, Whiskeytown Lake, CA and the surrounding areas. The trip will last eight hours or until you reach the allowed catch limit. To participate in kokanee fishing with us, all you'll have to do is bring along food and your fishing license. We'll supply the equipment and process the fish.

Why is fishing for kokanee a great option?

Kokanee fishing is very popular among locals. That's because catching these fish:

  • Is relaxing
  • Requires no constant casting
  • Proves to be easier than catching other types
You can catch up to 40 fish by coming out with us. Call us today to schedule your kokanee fishing trip.